Becoming a dentist is my professional goal in life. I love XXXX University, having done my undergraduate studies there in dental hygiene and having taught in the Dentistry Program for several months. I am most fond of both the University and the program. Thus, it is my first and only choice, the only dental school to which I am applying. I feel exceptionally compatible with XXXX due to the great diversity of the student body. Being Korean and immigrating to the United States from Argentina, I am highly representative of the vast diversity that characterizes Los Angeles. And, as a native or near-native speaker of three languages English, Spanish, and Korean.
I look forward to a long professional life characterized by service to a diverse clients, including patients from all three primary language groups.
As a child, I always told people that I wanted to be a doctor when I grew up. And as a deeply spiritual person, I see becoming a health care provider as something more than a way to make money or support my family; for me, it is also a way to serve my community. My long-term goal is to be someday able to establish my own dental practice and to provide free or radically discounted services to low-income individuals in addition to those with insurance plans or other means to pay for my benefit.
My first love as a child was fixing computers, spending hours on end laboring inside tiny spaces, working with great care, and handling very delicate parts. I have also long been fascinated with the life sciences, especially human biology, and by the time that I graduated from high school, I was confident that I wanted to be a dentist. Yet, as a child of immigrant parents unfamiliar with the language, the culture, etc., life has been challenging for me. I am incredibly thankful for the beautiful wife and baby that I now have, whose presence in my life causes me to be incredibly highly motivated to succeed, and has also made me a more compassionate person.